Pompeii is the Roman city in Campania, Italy that effectively became stuck in time after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE. Vesuvius' eruption resulted in the death of many Pompeiians, the city's desertion, and also its preservation. The city was home to around 10-20,000 people, and was a bustling, working town, famous for its garum source production. Since its first excavation under the Bourbon dynasty in the mid 18th century, Pompeii has slowly been uncovered and revealed to be a fantastic archaeological site that informs us greatly about everyday Roman life. Its structures include an amphitheatre, brothel, numerous baths and temples, places for commerce, as well as elite villas and artwork. Only 2/3 of the site has been uncovered; perhaps the remaining 1/3 will reveal to us even more about the Roman world.
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